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WM Richmond C. Marshall.png

September 1st, 1902

Grand Master Joseph S. Hatton received a communication from D.G.M. George A. Wrenn stating then men in San Diego were interested in becoming Master Masons. They were already four Master Mason residing in San Diego.

January 18th, 1903

The Grand Master commissioned P.G.M. Robert J. Fletcher, Grand Lecturer to proceed to San Diego to perform the degree work.

January 23rd, 1903

Grand Lecturer Fletcher arrived in San Diego and was met at the depot by William E. Marshall, Cassius M. Dickens, and others.

January 24th, 1903

An Occasional Lodge of Master Masons was open and ten profanes was initiated, passed and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. The new lodge was set up under dispensation with the name and title Fidelity Lodge. The first officers were: Richmond C. Marshall, W.M., Albert Henderson, S. W., Cassius M. Dickens, J. W., Alexander Brown, Treasurer, Jarod A. Freeman, Secretary, William Marshall, S. D., Thaddeus H. Williams, J. D., James W. Gray, Chaplain, Gustavus A. Thompson, S. S., Thomas G. Williams, J. S., and Edmond Marshall, Tyler. The Grand Lodge reported that this was the first lodge that had all the necessary paraphernalia before being instituted in the Grand Lodge.

June 9th, 1903

A warrant of the constitution was granted Fidelity Lodge U. D. to be known as Fidelity Lodge # 25.

July 9th, 1903

Grand Master Joseph S. Hatton signed the warrant of Fidelity Lodge.

July 17th, 1903

Fidelity Lodge #25 was consecrated, dedicated and constituted and the officers were installed.

June 1st, 1904

A. E. Wright was elected to Grand Master, Richmond C. Marshall was appointed to Grand Standard Bearer, the first Grand Lodge Officer from Fidelity Lodge #25.

June 9th, 1905

Richmond C. Marshall of Fidelity Lodge #25 was elected Deputy Grand Master.

July 17th, 1905

Grand Master A. E. Wright died, and Deputy Grand Master Richmond C. Marshall becomes Grand Master.

June 7th, 1905

Richmond C. Marshall od Fidelity Lodge #25 was elected to Grand Master.

October 31st, 1906

After five months in office, Richmond C. Marshall died. The shortest term of any Grand Master. Recommendation by Grand Master Richmond C. Marshall: June 4th, 1906; page 34, 1906 proceedings: “We have 14 warranted lodges on our register, yet the numbers go to 29. I recommended you consider the advisability of renumbering our lodges consecutively and dispense with so many missing numbers.” At the grand session of 1907, all lodges were renumbered according to date of. Origin. Instead of Fidelity Lodge continuing as #25, it was now Fidelity Lodge #10.

The first lodge organized after Marshall’s death was: Richmond C. Marshall #15 of San Jose. Fidelity Lodge has furnished many officers to the Grand Lodge, but only one Grand Master.

WM Richmond C. Marshall

The Charter Line Officers


Worshipful Master Richmond C. Marshall
Senior Warden Cassius M. Dickens
Junior Warden A. H. Henderson
Treasurer A. L. Brown
Secretary Gustavus A. Thompson
Senior Deacon William Marshall
Junior Deacon Thad Williams
Tyler Edmund C Marshall
Chaplin James W. Gray 33rdº
Marshall J. Freeman

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