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Senior Deacon Corner

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James Robertson
Senior Deacon


Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that does charitable work in the community and among its members, and through its teachings and ceremonials seeks to make good men better  thereby making the world a better place to live in. If you are visiting this site and interested in the Ancient craft of Free and Accepted Masonry 2 Be 1 Ask 1.  As Senior Deacon, I will be your conductor if you should choose to pursue Masonry.

The path you will follow, if you are so taken and accepted among all brothers and fellows, in your initiatory degrees will be identical with that trod by every other Mason. You will wear the same garb. You will be asked the same questions. You will be required to take the same vows. Likewise, you will be accorded the same honors. Whatever you do experience, be assured that every Master Mason has experienced it before you.

For further inquiries please contact


Secretary Desk

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